Quick and Easy Movement Activities for Large Groups
Check out our handy guide to the 10 best ice breaker games for adults. Avoid awkward kiddy moments and try out these ideas.
In this chapter, we'll take you through some of the best ice breaker games that are suitable for adults.
A lot of the ice breakers you'll stumble across on the internet are suitable for both corporate work teams, but also for students or teenagers.
However, sometimes, especially in a corporate setting, you'll find yourself running activities with a group of people who aren't inclined to participate in what they consider to be 'childish' activities.
Benefits of Breaking The Ice
Breaking the ice can be a bit intimidating and a little cheesy. But it is very beneficial when building a strong work community and these are our top reasons why:
It is an awesome activity for introductions and new recruits, while it may be an informal way of getting to know one another it automatically brings a relaxed and no pressure vibe.
Great virtual icebreakers can be a fun way to jumpstart Zoom meetings and invite that help mix up your normal agenda.
Ice breaker games relax teams and help them to get to know each other far more quickly and easily. Some of the best ice breakers can also be a great way to ease new people into a group.
Fun icebreakers can help create common ground within teams, building trust and rapport.
Ice breaker questions energize, motivate and engage any team no matter what their background is.
If your team is working remotely at the moment then you should check out our guide on virtual team building activities and games for remote teams. In there you'll find 100 ideas with instructions that you can try with your newly remote team.
You'll notice that a lot of the activities we have picked are most suitable for teams players who haven't met each other yet or are fairly newly formed. Let us know if you use them on your new work team!
Without further ado, here's our list of the ten best ideas for very grown up team icebreakers for virtual teams and in-office setups too… Enjoy!
1) QuizBreaker IceBreaker Game
Objective: Help adult teams connect through a fun & automated icebreaker quiz game once a week
Participants: 3 to 3000
Duration: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: One free trial of QuizBreaker.com
Sign up for a free trial of QuizBreaker and invite your team to answer any of the hundreds of ice breaker questions built into the platform.
QuizBreaker then automatically sends out quizzes at anytime you choose where players have to guess each other's answers.
How It Works
You create an account and invite your team to answer icebreaker questions. The platform has over 100 curated fun icebreaker questions included but you can also add in your own custom ones.
Once your team starts answering ice breaker questions automated quizzes can be sent out via email where players have to guess each other's answers. For example; "Was it Greg or Grace who said that their favorite TV series of all time is The Office?"
Points, badges and levels are unlocked through each consecutive round of the game. And you can schedule the quiz to be sent out on your chosen frequency; daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
It's a really fun & simple icebreaker activity for adults, there's even a leaderboard for a bit of friendly competition.
Click here to try out QuizBreaker for free.
2) Human Billboards
Objective: To get participants to learn more about each other and connect on a personal level
Participants: No more than 10
Duration: 15 to 20 minutes
Difficulty: Medium
Materials: One very large piece of paper per participant, scissors and coloured markers
We love human billboards because it is self-disclosure activity that allows participants to connect on a personal level.
This perfect icebreaker for creative teams gets the innovative juices flowing and will allow people to unwind via a fun game in the process.
We recommend using this for teams that don't know each other that well, or as a team building activity for new groups.
Give everyone in your team a piece of paper and some coloured markers.
Each participant has 6 minutes to use words, pictures or symbols to describe themselves on the "billboard".
After the 6 minutes, participants should cut a hole in the paper and put it over their heads so that it drapes in front of them.
Get everyone to mingle for 6 minutes and ask each other ice breaker questions about their billboards so that they can learn more about each other.
3) My N.A.M.E
Objective: To get everyone knowing each other's names and an interesting fact that may prompt small talk at a later date
Participants: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 8 to 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: None
Use this ice breaker with a brand new team, when people don't even know each other's names yet.
One of the reasons we love this icebreaker is because it's simple and requires no preparation from you.
Give group members 3 to 5 minutes to think of interesting facts that correspond to the letters of their first name.
Have each participant share their acronym.
An example:
Hi, I'm Heather.
H is for horses, my favourite animal.
E is for eating, my favourite activity.
A is for Australia, the country I am currently travelling to.
T is for television because I like to watch it in the evenings.
H is for holidays, something I like to do more than once a year.
E is for exercise, which I do five times a week.
And R is for Rome, a city I really want to visit.
4) Neighbours
Objective: To get participants to learn each other's names
Participants: 20 or more
Duration: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: None
Another icebreaker that we suggest using on a new team.
It's very similar to the 'my N.A.M.E' ice breaker listed above, and we love it for all the same reasons.
Get everyone to stand in a circle with one person in the middle.
Give your team 3 minutes to memorise the first, middle and last names of their neighbors on either side of them.
The designated middle person will point to someone randomly and say either "left neighbor" or "right neighbor".
The person who is pointed at must say the full name of their neighbor. If they get it wrong, then they must trade places with the person in the middle.
Continue the game until everyone knows everyone else's name.
5) A Penny For Your Thoughts
Objective: To get team members acquainted and to promote small talk
Participants: 5 to 15 people
Duration: 15 to 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: A penny for each participant, should be shiny, easy to read and less than 20 years old
Again, another very 'adult' activity to be used on teams that don't know each other very well.
We love this fun icebreaker because it's quick, reveals personal facts and promotes the further development of personal relationships.
This ice breaker has appeared on a few of our blog posts, and the simple reason for its reoccurrence is that we love its simplicity, differentness and its effectiveness.
Give a penny to each participant (top tip: to add a sense of humour, ask your team if they realised they were receiving a "cash bonus" for attending today!).
Ask everyone to introduce themselves with their name, their age and where they come from.
Then, they should share something significant or interesting about themselves on the year the penny was minted.
6) Rather Than
Objective: To be used as an introductory activity to get participants to understand each other's preferences
Participants: 5 to 12 people
Duration: 3 to 8 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: None
This is another icebreaker very well suited to new teams. We love it because it is a light introductory activity that reveals everyone's personal preferences.
The game also tests memory, which is great to use at the start as research has concluded that when memory games are used, the amount of information learnt increases.
Thus, using this memory game at the start of training is likely to increase the amount your new hires take in!
Get everyone sat in a way so that they can all see each other - we recommend sitting in a circle.
Start by telling everyone else one thing that you like to do (e.g., run 10km).
The person to your left then restates what you said and then says something that they would rather do (e.g., run 10km, eat a whole tub of ice cream).
The next team member then restates what was said, and adds on what they would rather do (e.g., run 10km, eat a whole tub of ice cream, do a skydive).
The game continues until every person has said the whole list and added on what they would rather do.
7) Ready, Set, Reorganise
Objective: To get participants to learn new and interesting facts about each other
Participants: 16 to 26 people
Duration: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Hard
Materials: None
We love this adult ice breaker activity because it's a quick way to get everyone up and moving about.
We recommend doing this halfway through training sessions or virtual meetings to get everyone to reset and feel energised.
Divide the group in half and organise your team so they are standing in two lines facing each other.
Announce a category (e.g., first name).
The team organises themselves alphabetically by first names as quickly as possible.
The winning team is the one that organises themselves the quickest!
Keep the game going for as many categories as you like.
Category suggestions: birthday (chronologically), birthplace (alphabetically or geographically), height, formal job title, countries visited in their lifetime (numerically) and so on...
8) Similarities and Differences
Objective: To get team members to learn how they are similar and different to each other and connect on a personal level
Participants: 20 to 30 people
Duration: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: Piece of paper and pen for each participant
Let's be honest, we all like to have something unique about us.
But, we also all like to know we are similar in some way. This ice breaker allows us to find out those things about our co-workers.
Give each participant a piece of paper and pen.
Get everyone to draw three columns on their piece of paper with the headings: name, similar and different.
Get your team to mingle with each other and find out what they have similar and different to each other.
Put a time limit of ten minutes. After the clock stops, the winner is the person who has filled in as many names on their card as possible.
9) Sweet Stories
Objective: To get participants to learn about each other and build trust
Participants: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 10 to 20 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Materials: A large bag of candy (Skittles, M&M's)
We love it because it builds trust as participants get to learn a bit more about each other.
The game is also fun and we guarantee you that your team members won't have used it before!
Every team member takes a candy.
Participants share a story based on the colour of the candy they have.
Participants can eat the candy.
Candy colour ideas:
Blue - A boss you respected and why
Green - A reason why you are proud to belong to this organisation
Organe - An embarrassing moment at work
Red - Your biggest working success
Yellow - The funniest moment at work
Purple - A time at work where you have failed, and what you learnt from it
10) Gossip Time
Objective: To get team members to learn new and interesting things about each other
Participants: 5 to 10 people
Duration: 20 to 60 minutes
Difficulty: Medium
Materials: A piece of paper and pen for each participant
We recommend using this great icebreaker when your team players know each other fairly well and when there is a level of trust among the group.
Recent research has actually found that trust is linked directly to positive team performance, so we can't recommend enough ensuring that trust is at the forefront of your team's culture.
We love this icebreaker because it is an activity where teammates can share fun information about each other, which prompts further appreciation for each other and promotes stronger personal ties. It's an activity suitable for both small groups and large groups.
Pick one team member to be the first target, they must stand outside the room.
All other team members write one thing (make sure it's a nice or complimentary thing!) about the target on a piece of paper.
Collect all the pieces of paper and randomly select one to read aloud. The target must guess who they think wrote the 'gossip' about them.
If the target's guess is correct, a new target is selected. However, if the target guesses incorrectly, then keep reading out the statements until the target gets it right!
Play this game until every person has had a go at being the target.
Bonus Activity
Identity Circles
Objective: To get team mates sharing and understanding their values
Participants: 8 to 50 people
Duration: 30 to 60 minutes
Difficulty: Hard
Materials: Index cards, enough for each person to have 10
We love this final icebreaker on our list because it encourages everyone to share things they would not normally choose to share with each other - this sparks further conversations and promotes friendships within your team.
Divide your team in half and create two concentric circles (one inner circle and one outer circle).
People on the outer circle should face inside, and people on the outer circle should face inside.
Pair each inner person with an outer person.
Hand each person their 10 pieces of paper and get them to write down one value on each piece.
Have the partners share with each other why they wrote down the values they did and how they prioritized them for 5 minutes.
After, get the participants to rip up one of their cards.
The outer circle moves round, and new pairs are formed. The new pairs then have 5 minutes to explain to each other why they ripped up the card they ripped up and how they would feel if they lost that value.
Continue this process until the participants are only left with one card, their most important value.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What icebreaker questions should I use?
Need a list of icebreaker questions, don't worry we have you covered! Our top ice breaker questions you can utilize for any game.
- Are these activities great for groups?
Yes, they absolutely can be used for a bigger group!
Check-out our list of best large group activities
- What are other great adult activities?
We suggest a virtual happy hour! It's relaxing and many of the activities are best for adults over the age of 21.
We hope you've liked our list of the best ice breaker games for adults.
Try these out and let me know how you go.
Source: https://www.quizbreaker.com/icebreakers-for-adults
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